Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Yes it's been a long time
As you might know, I am co-editing the association's journal, written a couple of books and edited several others. And nope I haven't finished my Carter Brown book.
Anyway, here is a recent interview with Pulp Curry.
As always if you to interview me or need to contact me then please email me.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Col Cameron 1960s Covers
Included in his collection are ledgers, photographs, pencil sketches, watercolour, oils and even books with cover. Most of the covers are politically incorrect but are energetic and colourful. So if you are easily offended then please desist from looking at the graphics. For the rest of you enjoy covers which reflect the exuberant decade of miniskirts, psychadelic patterns and nipples.
If anyone is interested in his material please contact me as these paintings are for sale.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Finnish War Pulps
War Fiction came surprisingly late to Australian popular fiction--especially when compared to the America.
In Finland I've found stories by Michael Owen, Owen Gibson, J E Macdonnell and James Gant. I will post a list and the pictures I've scanned! So stay tuned.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Carl Dekker Confusion

In Finland it seems that in the early 1960s everyone wanted to reprint Australian “author” Carl Dekker. Dekker (see below) stories were published by Calvert Publications (also see below). During the 1950s, Calvert printed about 350 digest novels—war, romances, westerns and, of course, crime fiction. Carl Dekker’s “On the Spot” stories were illustrated by Stan Pitt (1925-2002) who created a bevy of beauties to attract the eye of the “intended” (male?) reader. Dekker’s “hook” was that each story had a different exotic location – Shanghai, Damascus, and Venice etc.
In Finland, the first two translated “Carl Dekker” novels (Pin it on the Doll and Eve as in Evil) were reprinted in 1962. Published in the Ilvessarjassa (1960 – 1968) series, the digests lacked the Pitt covers as can be seen (compare to others below). The Ilvessarjassa series consisted of 'digests' by popular SU authors such as Day Keene, Gil Brewer, and Richard Prather. The inclusion of a small Australian series is odd to say the least. There were much more popular authors including Carter Brown (see - I'm updating that one too).
Two years later another Finnish series, Sarjakustannus. printed six Carl Dekker titles under its “Max Strong” series— [in chronological order] Secret Plot in Shanghai, The Golden Gallows, Casino Minx, Lay Low My Lovely, Cutie Cursed, and A Wink from a Witch--there was no mention of Carl Dekker, only the original title on the verso of the title page. The Max Strong series (1962-65) is a strange phenomenon in that it started with another Australian crime lightweight, Max Strong (Cleveland Publishing Coy, see below). Apparently the twenty-something Max Strongs, published in the 1950s, were penned by Robert Dudgeon (really accountant Frank Greenop 1913-1975) – other Dudgeon stories also appeared in this Max Strong series though they weren’t Max Strongs in Australia (see Thrilling Detective). Confused? Well the pulp fiction world of the 1950s is baffling. Bottom line: Robert Dudgeon stories were subsumed under the Max Strong series in Finland. None of the original Stan Pitt covers were used. And so were Carl Dekker--the Finnish, it seems couldn't get enough Aussie pulp fiction.
But wait—there’s more. In 1956 more Dekkers appeared in yet another detective series. Be

Why Carl Dekker was so attractive to THREE Finnish publishing houses is unknown. To the best of my knowledge his stories did make it to any other European countries…could it be his slightly Nordic name? was the material simply available and/or cheap? If anyone has any further information, please email me.
For the Max Strong Carl Dekkers visit this website.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Australian Romance Fiction

I'm in the National Library of Finland, and I want to note some observations from two days of a cursory examination of Finnish translations of Australian romance fiction. I'm here gathering some data for a SHARP conference. Little did I know what I was to uncover. Most of the books aren't catalogued - as is usual for pulp fiction - so I've been selective. It would take me weeks to go through each book and then to find their equivalent back home.
Richard Wilkes-Hunter was one busy writer. He contributed most of the romance stories as Kerry Mitchell, Shane Douglas, and Leslie Wilkes. Austlit claims that Karen Miller was Ray Slattery's pseudonym but as Karen Miller and Kerry Mitchell have the same initials I have suspect that Wilkes-Hunter might be responsible. Karen Miller was definitely a "house name". War story writer J E MacDonnell had a few romances reprinted in Finland too. Writers from Sydney's Calvert, Cleveland, and Horwitz publishing houses are represented -- I have no idea how this happened. Stanley Horwitz did travel the world negotiating contracts (according to my research), but I fail to see how smaller companies Cleveland and Calvert did this. I presume that they had an agent of some sort. If ever I have the time, I will contact Cleveland owner and see if he can shed any light on this. Any information about these writers, the companies or the pulp business would be greatly appreciated.
Kioskikirjallisuus is so-called because the material was in kiosks and though there were many independent companies in the 1950s today only one remains.
Australian romances appeared in three monthly series: Valkea Sarja (1964 -1969; 35 titles, 12 of which are Australian), Amor-Kirjat (1963-1978; circa 69 titles about half of which are Australian), Lääkäriromaani (1973 - ?; I didn't have any time to look at these books, note to self: the Finnish National Library catalogue starts at #66). Most of the books are not catalogued, so I have to see each book--unfortunately I don't have time: the library hours are generous but jetlag is my worst enemy. As I've only had two days here I have gathered only the most preliminary data for my paper but it's enough to start a dialogue about Australian romances in Nordic countries. I think this an exceedingly strange aspect of the Australian publishing industry.
Of the Australian authors Shane Douglas has the most titles (37), Kerry Mitchell (12), Shauna Marlowe (6), Karen Miller (3), Sheila Garland ( 4), and J E MacDonnell (2; 35 of his war books are there). Doctor and nurse love stories dominate - I wonder why? The books are printed several years after their Australian releases.
The covers are not Australian ones but appear to come from a cover agency -- I know little about this area of book publishing and am keen to follow up so if anyone knows about how the cover industry works, please email me.
There are the usual paperback screwups: sometimes the name on the cover doesn't agree with the name on the title page (Rescue Surgeon has JE MacDonnell and Shane Douglas), the 'original' title is occasionally misspelled (Douglas' Gae Bryant is Gay Bryant; Mitchell's Probationer Nurse is reinvented as Propationer Nurse). Covers are used more than once on different stories (Dr Vernon's Secret and The Doctor's Desire above). All reflect an industry working quickly and without much attention to detail.
Although I cannot read any of them, the covers have captured *my* heart. In the future I hope to research the series more fully to gain a great understanding of the outreach of Australian fiction in this period. Please feel free to email me if you have any information about authors, publishers or covers. I am contactable through the University of Queensland.
(If my use of the above covers violates copyright please contact me, and I will remove them).
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Cark Dekker.

Carter Brown's success engendered a host of imitation detective series. Larry Kent (to be discussed later) was rival publisher Cleveland; but Horwitz was eager to sell more crime fiction. About 40 Carl Dekker digests were published in the 1950s. Dekker was another “house” name; his stories
According to the back blurb
Carl Dekker…is a rebel. The Army was glad to get rid of him in 1945, because he’s always done what he wanted to do, and not what he was told. As a commando, Dekker got himself into many A tough spot; twice he was the only one to get out….
Dekker still loves tough spots. Always on the move, is passport reads like an atlas index—
Dekker and danger are a natural double—he buys himself a deck of trouble wherever he goes—and deals it out! A newspaperman from ‘way back, police roundsman, undercover investigator, Dekker knows his way ‘round, and can handle a heater and a highball as well as any of his story characters.
There’s nothing synthetic about the Dekker dames, his rackets and roughhouse—he’s seen his characters alive—and sometimes dead.
Dekker is………ON THE SPOT
Each adventure took place in a different location
A Flip of the Coin,
A Step into Fire,
A Wink from a Witch,
Blood on the Sand,
Casino Minx,
Cherie You Slay Me, Paris
Counterfeit Doll,
Cute Cargo,
Cutie Cursed,
Danger Doll,
Dark Angel of Fire, San Antonio
Don’t Bother to Knock ,
Double or Nothing,
E as in evil,
Fate Chose this Number, unknown
Femme Fatale,
Flight into
Gallows of gold,
Grieve for me, Gorgeous, unknown
Kiss from a Killer,
Lay Low My Lovely,
Miss Deadly,
Murder Rides Express,
Nightmare at Noon, No specific location!
Not for the Hangman,
Paper Doll,
Pin it on the Doll,
Run for Your Life,
Silence So Deadly,
Slay Belle,
Stab in the Dark, Tangier
Tearful Tigress, unknown
The Fall, Changi
The Wax Model,
Walk the Knife Edge, unknown.

The series is the usual light hearted fare filled with mysterious foreigners, sexy and available women and some pretty ordinary wisecracks. The back blurb for Silence so Deadly (
Where everyone stick out his hand, but never his neck. Dekker hit
Finding Carl Dekkers is quite a challenge so if anyone has any, please contact me.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Who are these people?
Mervyn Andrews (8 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Conway, John (1 work); del Mar, Justin (3 works); Hunt, Roger (3 works); Pasquani, Selene (1 work) ] Gender: Male
E.J. Bailey (1 work by ) [Writing under the name Paul Crane] Gender: Male
Gloria Bevan [aka Fiona Murray] (2 works by ) Born: 20 Jul 1911 Kalgoorlie, Western Australia Gender: FemaleExpatriate Departed from Australia: ca.1914 Biography: Although born in Australia, the daughter of a mining engineer in Kalgoorlie, Murray moved to New Zealand with her family when just three. After leaving school she worked as a typist and her writing career did not begin until she was well into her fifties. After publishing a couple of detective novels, she became a prolific writer of romance fiction, mainly as Gloria Bevan (her married name). Many of her works are set in New Zealand and the Pacific - as far as is known only Gold Coast Affair has an Australian setting. She has returned to the land of her birth on at least one occasion and admits to having an affection for Australia.
David Boutland (17 works by ) ['David Rome' is the pseudonym under which David Boutland wrote science fiction and popular fiction. From the mid-1960s to mid-1970s he wrote a number of novels published by Sydney paperback fiction publisher Horwitz, as well as one award-winning science fiction novel. He also contributed to British science fiction magazines. After this he turned to script writing for Australian television, pursuing this for about thirty years. Born: 1938 United Kingdom (UK)] Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: 1952
Kenneth Cook (43 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Hale, Alan (2 works); Duffy, John (1 work) ] Born: 1929 Sydney, New South Wales Died: 1987 Gender: Male Lester Cotton [Uses the writing name Silk Stafford] Note: 'Stafford Silk' appears in the List of Australian Writers due to an appearance in Flanagan's The Australian Vintage Paperback Guide. His only book appears to be The Bogle Mystery, his account of the unsolved deaths of Dr Gilbert Bogle and Mrs Margaret Chandler. He was one of the guests at the party where Bogle and Chandler were last seen alive. 'Stafford Silk' was a pseudonym for Lester Cotton, a Sydney Morning Herald journalist with an interest in unsolved murder cases.
Rena Cross (20 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Crane, Rene (1 work); Dee, Rebecca (2 works); Duffy, John (2 works); James, Christine (1 work); Miller, Karen (10 works); Tolhurst, Geoffrey (3 works) ] Gender: Female
Peter Draffin (2 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Spenser, Julian ] Gender: Male
Des R Dunn (400 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Iverson, Brett (3 works); Culp, Morgan; Cole, Sheldon B. (3 works); Brady, Adam (3 works); Dunn, D. R. (1 work); Cregan, Matt (6 works); Halliday, Gunn (40 works); Denver, Shad (52 works); 'Kent, Larry' (285 works); Renwick, Walt (4 works) ] Born: 1930 [Queensland] Gender: Male
David Ellis (6 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Duffy, John (2 works); Dunn, John (1 work)] Gender: Male M Fallon (15 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Mallory, Lee (15 works); Shannon, Cole ] Gender: Male
R J Fittock (76 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Beaumont, Walt (47 works); Donovan, Lon; McCabe, Cord (29 works) ] Gender: Male
Roger Green (127 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Brecker, Cord (4 works); Shelton, Cole (52 works); Hollinger, Matt (3 works); Houston, Brad (2 works); McCabe, Sundown (34 works); Rogers, Lesley (4 works); Taggart, Ben (28 works); Taggert, Ben ] Born: 10 Mar 1938 Brighton, East Sussex, England Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: 1950
Frank S Greenop (122 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Beaumont, Jess (2 works); Dudgeon, Robert (38 works); Dundee, Walt (3 works); Martin, Hart E. (54 works); Thorpe, Lee (5 works) ] Born: 12 Mar 1913 London, England Died: Jun 1975 Balgowlah, New South Wales Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: ca.1922
R.G. Haill (18 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Cooper, Janie (6 works); Hodges, Shirley M.; Satane, R. P.; Spring, Rachel ] Born: 1938 Gender: Male
Carlene Hardy [Also writes as: Franklin, Roger (2 works); French, Rosalind (4 works); Hansberry, Carlene (1 work); Thomas, Joanna; Slater, John (1 work) ] Gender: Female
Don Haring [Also writes as: 'Kent, Larry' (285 works); Anthony, Clay (13 works); Bradford, Sam (1 work); Langley, Ward (3 works); Anthony, Max (1 work) ] Born: [United States of America (USA)] Died: [198-] Gender: Male
J.W. Heming (84 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Barton, Tex (12 works); De Wreder, Paul (4 works); Winton, Val (3 works); King, Wal (4 works); Winton, Valerie (1 work); Master-Sarg (1 work); Ellsworth, C. W. (3 works) ] John Winton Heming was the author of some 50 pulp novelettes. He published in different genres and under a variety of names and pseudonyms. Under his real name he wrote mysteries, general fiction and children's books; as the author of science fiction, westerns and adventure stories he used his own name as well as pseudonyms such as 'Tex Barton' or 'Val Winton' or 'Paul de Wreder'. Many of his works were published by Currawong Press in their series Currawong Novels. The series included a variety of fiction such as mystery, romance and western titles. Using the slogan on their back page, 'You Can't Go Wrong with a Currawong', the series consisted of short novelettes of between 48-80 pages in length. Heming also wrote a book on speechmaking, and published Etiquette for All Occasions (1953) and What Every Man Should Know (1953). Born: 1900 Died: 9 Apr 1953 Gender: Male
Keith Hetherington (385 works by all writing names ) Also writes as: Keith, James (7 works); Heming, Charles E.; Waring, Brett (127 works); Hamilton, Kirk (188 works); Conway, Keith (2 works); Colt, Johnny (2 works); Douglas, Jake (11 works); Dekker, Carl (41 works) Born: 14 Sep 1929 Australia Gender: Male
A. Hitchens (1 work by ) [Writing under the name of Royce Hilton. Austlit note: Royce Hilton is the pseudonym for an Australian prisoner.]
Philip Holden (48 works by all writing names ) (a.k.a. Duxbury, John Alan ) [Also writes as: Chandler, Lee (21 works); McAllister, Cord (16 works); P. H. (?); Holden, Lee (8 works) ] Born: 1937 Wales (UK) Died: 15 Jan 2005 New Zealand Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: 1953
Dianne Irwin (2 works by ) [Using the writing name Joanne Joyce] Gender: Female
M Judge (2 works by ) [aka Ward Kestral] Gender: Male
Kay Kearney (1 work by )
Jim Kent (105 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Kemp, Julian; Banner, Cleve (11 works); Docker, Thane (23 works) ] Gender: Male
Roberta Leiberman (2 works by ) [Gender: Female]
W. Lynch (51 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Borden, Cole (5 works); Gorman, Mark (14 works); Saunders, Wilt (10 works); Logan, Dan (17 works) ] Gender: Male
Ken Macauley (17 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Hann, Donald (12 works); Lesley, Paul (1 work); Vance, Ray (1 work) ] Gender: Male
Marcia McEwan (21 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Barrett, Charles (1 work); Scott, James (4 works); Seven, John; Severn, Jean Paul (1 work); Wayne, Marcia (1 work); Wayne, Marsha (3 works); Severn, John (1 work) ] Gender: Female
Len Meares (a.k.a. Meares, Leonard F.; Meares, Len ) (10 works by ) Biography: Meares published works under a variety of pseudonyms but is best known by his pseudonym Marshall Grover, under which he published more than 400 titles, making him 'Australia's most prolific writer of western stories' (Oxford Companion to Australian Literature).
Lee Pattinson (17 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Arden, Noni (5 works); Dee, Rebecca (2 works); Farr, Caroline (1 work); Lester, Teri (5 works); Mitchell, Kerry (1 work); Nicholls, Pamela; Maxwell, Anne (2 works) ] Born: [ca.1920?] England Gender: Female Arrived in Australia: ca.1940 - 1945? Note: Many of Lee Pattinson's pseudonyms were used by other authors as well, among them Rena Cross and Richard Wilkes Hunter, qq.v. She has also written several works on child care and contributed scripts to the popular 1960s and 1970s Australian television series Homicide and Division 4.
Ru Pullan (74 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Barrie, Wynne (1 work); Easton, Paul (13 works); Durand, Cass (22 works); Hardin, Luke (19 works); Rand, Lew (10 works) ] Gender: Male
L.W. Riley (1 work by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Hunt, Roger (1 work) Born: 24 Jan 1917 Perth, Western Australia] Gender: Male
J.S. Reoch [Writing under the name Ben Gilbert] (1 work by ) Gender: Male
Carl Ruhen [Also writes as: Farr, Caroline (5 works); Summerton, Vicki (1 work); Brand, Peter (7 works); Bailey, Martha (1 work); Dietrich, Wolf (2 works); Harris, Mark (7 works); Law, Simone (8 works); Steele, Samantha (6 works); Bentley, Michael (1 work); Hart, Alison (2 works); Slater, John (2 works); Brandstift, Adele ] Born: 2 Aug 1937 New Zealand Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: 1947?
John Sellenger (4 works by ) [Writes as Michael Hunter] Gender: Male
R. Sinclair-Wood (20 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Savage, Richard (1 work); Savic, Rann (1 work) ] Born: 1913 Gender: Male
Ray Slattery (113 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Bent, James (1 work); Gunn, Frank F. (1 work); Hunt, Roger (2 works); Miller, Karen (1 work); Slater, John (78 works); West, Terry (4 works); O'Hara, Frank (2 works) ] Born: 6 Jan 1912 Sydney, New South Wales Gender: Male
E. Smith (a.k.a. Lindel, Edward )(17 works by ) Born: 30 Jul 1915 Adelaide, South Australia Died: [1978] Gender: Male Biography: Lindall was a journalist before becoming a writer. Many of his stories were published in American and British publications such as Argosy and the Saturday Evening Post. He is not to be confused with American science fiction author Edward E. 'Doc' Smith (1890-1965).
Tony Sullivan Riley, Len (1 work)
R.L. Taylor (55 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Butler, Calvin (2 works); Hunter, Michael; McCaig, Morven (1 work); Slater, John (3 works); Wescott, Serena Louise (2 works); Hall, Stuart (47 works) ] Gender: Male Note: Known as "John Slater" with other authors. "Michael Hunter" was also a shared pseudonym.
Robert Taylor (55 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Butler, Calvin (2 works); Hunter, Michael; McCaig, Morven (1 work); Slater, John (3 works); Wescott, Serena Louise (2 works); Hall, Stuart (47 works) ] Gender: Male
Tony Veitch (100 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Collier, J Cobb; McLure, Scott (92 works); Kestrel, Dan (1 work) ] Born: 6 Jan 1914 Glasgow, Scotland Died: 23 Feb 1983 Sydney, New South Wales Gender: Male
Elwyn Wallace (8 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Dengate, Robin; Winter, Frank (6 works); Duncan, Gelie (1 work) ] Born: 1916 Newcastle, New South Wales Gender: Female
Ken Welsh [aka Barry Braydor] (19 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Berkley, Taylor (3 works); Breydor, Billy (3 works); Breydor, B. (LAC) (1 work); Carstairs, Chris (3 works); Mason, Andrew (2 works) ] Born: 22 Aug 1941 Melbourne, Victoria Gender: Male
Paul Wheelahan (136 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Dodge, Emerson (72 works); McKinley, Brett (54 works); Jefferson, Ben (3 works); Bonnard, Adam (4 works); Clay, E. Jefferson (2 works); Nicholas, Ben; James, Matt; Bodie, Ryan ] Born: 1930 Bombala, New South Wales Gender: Male Biography: As well as being a prolific writer of pulp westerns, Wheelahan also worked as an illustrator for several Australian pulp publishers, including work assisting with the inking of Stan Pitt's Yarmak comic. He then went on to write and illustrate the popular comics The Raven and The Panther, the latter achieving some fame in America.
Richard Wilkes-Hunter (292 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Conrad, Tod (40 works); Crane, Alex (2 works); Ashton, Fiona (1 work); Dark, James (1 work); Douglas, Diana (22 works); Douglas, Shane (47 works); Dunn, James (1 work); Gray, Adrian (11 works); Hart, Alison (2 works); Hunt, Roger (1 work); Ross, Bradley (2 works); Waters, Lucy (1 work); Farr, Caroline (33 works); Morley, Kell; Hunter, Wilkes (2 works); Hunter, R. W. (7 works); Hunter, R. (2 works); Wilkes-Hunter, R. (2 works); Wilkes-Hunter, Richard (1 work); Wilkes, Gregory (4 works); Wade-Farrel, R. (2 works); Owen, Michael (15 works); Mitchell, Kerry (19 works); Crane, Tod (1 work); Conway, Ted (1 work); Wilkes, Leslie (18 works); Marlowe, Shauna (24 works); Garland, Sheila (8 works); Garland, Shiela (4 works); Lester, Teri ] Born: 14 Mar 1906 Hunters Hill, New South Wales Died: 20 Jan 1991 Sydney, New South Wales Gender: Male
James Workman (26 works by all writing names ) [Also writes as: Dark, James (4 works); Kain, Victor (1 work) Born: 2 Feb 1912 Scotland Died: 28 Mar 2001 Sydney, New South Wales Gender: Male Arrived in Australia: 1950s Biography: James Workman was educated in England and trained as a naval cadet. He spent three years in the London Metropolitan Police. Moving to South Africa, Workman enlisted with the Witwatersand Rifles and later joined a touring theatre company. He worked for the South African Broadcasting Commission as an announcer, scriptwriter and producer, occupations he continued to pursue after his move to Australia. J Ashley Ron Dunne Alan Foley Dorothy GarrardD. Hannay William Larkins Michael Lauletta Norman Lazenby J. McKinnes John O'Mara Bruce RamageMartin Smith
J Ashley
Ron Dunne
Alan Foley
Dorothy Garrard
D. Hannay
William Larkins
Michael Lauletta
Norman Lazenby
J. McKinnes
John O'Mara
Bruce Ramage
Martin Smith